Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Breaking Up With Friends

Now, I realize friends don't usually "break up", that is usually reserved for relationships, but this week  I've experienced my first friend break up. It could possibly be considered the stupidest fight I have ever had. Ever. It all started two weeks ago:

We decided to go out on a "friend date" to dinner an a movie. Dinner went fine. but then he started feeling kind of sick because of how spicy the food was (we got Thai). So we went and got some tums from the drugstore for him then headed to the theater. That's when the fighting began. We hadn't decided yet which movie we wanted to see, and neither of us really wanted to make the decision, and I wasn't THAT interested in any of the current movies. He got even more upset at that point, so I suggested we go back to my house and watch a movie. He didn't want to do that because he thought being around my parents was awkward since we had dated a few years back. So he suggested we go to his house. I asked if his parents were going to be there, and when he told me no I said I didn't feel that it was right for us to be alone. Then he got ANGRY.

The conversation that followed went something like this:
Him: Why don't you think it's right for us to be alone?
Me: Because I just feel that it's inappropriate. I would do the same in any situation with a guy friend.
Him: How is it inappropriate?
Me: Well for one, my parents would definitely not approve, and I just feel that being alone in a house with a guy isn't right. That's all.
Him: You're 20 years old, you don;t need to listen to your parents.
Me: Yes I do, I live under their roof. As long as I'm living at home I have to abide by their rules.
Him: You're acting like you think I'm gonna try something.
Me: No, I would do the same in any similar situation. It's not just you.
Him: I can't believe you don't trust me.
Me: It's not that I don't trust you, it's just what I believe.
Him: Well it's disrespectful of me.

Yeah, something like that. It went on longer with him asking me over and over how it was inappropriate, then he just decided to take me home. The ride home was completely silent.

I get a text on my phone: So, are you gonna apologize?

What do I have to apologize for? He was the one telling me my beliefs we're stupid, and he expects me to appologize to HIM? So I told him I had nothing to apologize for and that if anyone needed to apologize it was him. He was mad of course, and told me he couldn't believe I didn't value his friendship.

Another text. This one said he thought we should end our associations since I seemed fine without him anyway.

I am fine without someone who is going to berate my morals. How could he expect me to apologize for doing nothing wrong? Opinions????

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