Describe an odd or unusual writing habit or ritual you or someone you know has.
I love writing, I really do. I will often start writing stories that I think could be amazing, and after about ten pages I stop. I come back to it later and read what I've written, decide it's not original enough, tear it our of whatever notebook it happened to be in, and throw it away. If I happened to have typed it, well... I guess we'll get to that. Until recently I had never typed my stories. I currently have one sitting in creative purgatory that I started writing after a particularly vivid dream that I thought was so awesome it needed to be built upon. It is currently only 3 pages long. I may return to it, I may leave it in purgatory forever, or it may get deleted. It's a fantasy story about a teenage girl who gets chosen by a powerful wizard outlaw to be trained as a member of an elite team of warriors. Yeah. I have those kinds of dreams.
Should I write that story? Feel free to share your opinions!
That sounds like it'd be a very interesting story! At least, you got me curious about it! :)