Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 16

Do you have a daily or weekly routine that you follow?

I am a very routine oriented person. I like plans. I like knowing what I'm going to do and when I'm going to do it. Nothing bothers me more than when people make plans and then change them suddenly; it throws off my whole day. My days are all pretty similar, as are me weeks. In general people are "people of habit", but I feel I this pretty clearly defines me. I'm terrible at accepting change, and have bad anxiety when things do change, unless it was something I had planned to change. This is not a good thing, and I realize it. I truly need to be more flexible. That's part of the reason I got let go from my last job: I didn't like all the changes they kept making to my job description, and I made my opinion known. Actually, I'm pretty sure that was the entire reason, other than that I found out a few weeks later that the office manager was pushing for her friend to get my job. Suspicious?.... yes. ANYWAY, the moral to this story is that I really need to be a more flexible person, and accept more things that come my way. :) 

I live by these

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