Well, my day yesterday started off pretty normal. Finished up my packing, got my last Elbow Room (my favorite coffee shop) coffee for two weeks, had lunch, then headed to the air port. Up till I got to my gate, everything ran smoothly. I got there early so I was waiting around for while, so I decided to check the time for my next flight. That's when I realized that my arrival time in NYC was the same as my boarding time for my next flight. Talked to the people at the gate about if there was something I should do since I had another flight right after. They were incredibly unhelpful and a bit rude, then they told me I could reschedule my flight. No way was I going to reschedule. Then, as I started to walk away from the counter, they made an announcement that our flight would be delayed 20 minutes. Now, those of you who know me well know how good I am at dealing with the stress of sudden changes: not good at all. Cue anxiety attack/mental breakdown. Called my mom back, freaking out. How the heck was I supposed to make my next flight..... there is no way I was going to reschedule.... blah, blah, blah. My mother is much better at thinking clearly when I am having my stress freakouts. We decided that I would just proceed as planned, and with a lot of prayer. Got to the gate in NYC at 8:05 pm. Finally made it off the plane by 8:15. My next flight was scheduled to leave at 8:30. I RAN. Like, the kind of running you see in movies when people are trying to catch a flight. Made it with five minutes to spare, and then they decided to delay the flight 20 minutes. And then it got delayed another 20 minutes because of weather. Ten hours later, hello Israel!
Tonight is pretty much just a catch up on sleep night. Got to the hotel, had dinner, now I'm in my room listening to music and writing for you. :)
View from our hill top hotel |
You are in the Holy Land! How cool is that!? We look forward to daily updates.